Feb 2, 2014

Rob Smith - Technically Assisted Medium

I am a 'technically-assisted' medium, and physically-based member of a Risen Group of Helpers who work conjointly together as members of a transitional team.  

My particular gift is in the area of technical 'clairaudience', and I use various scanning recording techniques of Instrumental Trans Communication (EVP) to initiate and contact the transitioned person directly, or receive relayed information about them.

RISING is the term I use to refer to the transitionary continuum of consciousness from this dense physical world, to finer and subtler states of conscious awareness.

To preserve integrity, my protocol requires that I adopt  a  'double blind' recording session (ITC) and that I forward all evidential recordings/documentation to clients.  

[A 'double blind' session means (1) undertaking a distance reading while having (2) no knowledge of those involved, other than knowing the name of the enquirer and their relationship to the deceased.]
The contact session will occur within a 14 day period of time following the email request.   

The person/family will not be privy to the actual day/time of the meeting.

Following a successful session, I will forward by email a transcript and messages received, including any supportive audio files so the client may listen to them in the privacy of their own homes. 

My methodology preserves at all times the integrity of information shared between the parties. 

I do not charge  any fee if no contact is effected.

You can email me at robevpau1@optusnet.com.au for further information and assistance.

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